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Huang, C.J. (2009) Charisma and compassion: Cheng Yuen and Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 10-11.


  • 标题: 创新抑或发明:社会建设视角下的乡村基督教—以广西经堂村为例Innovation or Invention: Rural Christian under the Perspective of Social Construction—Take Jingtang Village as Example

    作者: 李鹏, 丁璐

    关键字: 社会建设, 乡村基督教, 村庄社会结构Social Construction, Rural Christian, Village Social Structure

    期刊名称: 《Modern Anthropology》, Vol.3 No.2, 2015-06-30

    摘要: 中国生态环境和村庄历史的差异性导致了中国村庄社会结构大致分为南中北三种类型,这种划分有利于从整体上认识中国乡村社会,由于这种划分侧重于传统中国存在的因素,如宗族,而忽视了对宗教信仰因素的考量。当前乡村宗教尤其是乡村基督教的复兴,使得这种划分在民族地区的社会建设中遇到很多困难。只有结合民族地区的特殊历史与环境,从“局内人”的观点出发,才能认识到民族地区社会建设的复杂性,进而有利于政府制定切实有效的政策。 Because of China’s ecological environment and the diversities of village history, the Chinese village society structure is roughly divided into three types: south, center and north, which is helpful to see China’s rural society as a whole. Because the division places emphasis on Chinese traditional factors, such as the clan, but ignores factors of religious belief. The current revival of rural religion, especially rural Christian, makes this division encounter many difficulties in the social construction in ethnic areas. Only by combining with the special history and environment of ethnic areas, and from the viewpoint of “insiders”, we can realize the complexity of the social development in ethnic areas, and promote the enaction of the government’s effective policies.


