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张钦盛. 台湾教育国际化的政策与实施[J]. 教育资料与研究双月刊, 2006, 71: 1-16.


  • 标题: 整合服务蓝图与事件过程图设计服务监控系统 Integrating Service Blueprint and Event-driven Process Chain to Design Service Monitoring Systems

    作者: 宏峯赖, 吴芷铮

    关键字: 服务蓝图, 事件过程图, 服务监控系统 Service Blueprint; Extended Event-driven Process Chain; Service Monitoring System

    期刊名称: 《Service Science and Management》, Vol.2 No.3B, 2013-11-25

    摘要: 全球旅游服务业目前已成最大规模之产业,为掌握旅游相关潜在商机,管理者越来越重视有关服务质量或服务层次协议书等要求,利用服务监控系统在实现顾客服务价值上扮演重要角色,因为经由实时掌握服务状态,可快速响应与满足顾客之服务需求;本文研究旨在提出服务监控系统之设计架构,经由整合服务蓝图(Service Blueprint)与事件过程图两种模型以建立服务监控系统的基础,其中服务蓝图表示服务流程,事件过程图表示服务监控的控制逻辑与流程讯息,最后,本文以渡假村服务监控为例说明该整合设计架构的应用。Tourism has become the largest industry in the world. Managers pay much more attention to quality of service, service level agreement to gain the prospective benefits. The service monitoring systems play an important role in fulfilling service value for customer via monitoring the real-time status of service, quick responding and modifying customer’s requirements. The purpose of this study is to propose design architecture for service monitoring systems based on integrating service blueprint and event-driven processes chain. The service flow is expressed by service blueprint, and the control conditions and flow status are described by event-driven processes chain. The backbone of a service monitoring system is established by integrating these two models. Finally, we take the service monitoring system of resort to demonstrate how to apply the new approach.


