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G. D. Jud, D. T. Winkler. The dynamics of metropolitan housing prices. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2002, 23(1-2): 29-45.


  • 标题: 如何构建澳门房地产价格指数Macao Real Estate Pricing Index Structuring Method

    作者: 王旭

    关键字: 房地产指数, 特征法, 澳门House Price Index; Hedonic; Macao

    期刊名称: 《Finance》, Vol.2 No.3, 2012-07-26

    摘要: 由于澳门房地产市场微小,其价格受外界因素影响变动幅度大,从而增加了银行放贷,政府调控等的困难。本文主要介绍如何构建澳门的房地产价格指数。所采用的方法主要属于特征法,其优点是能够将房屋的隐含价值(如特点)的变动反映到需求和供给的变化上。数据集合来源采用公开的房屋中介“中原地产(澳门)”的房屋交易数据,此数据可以正确和及时地反映澳门房地产交易情况。其次,利用平滑处理(Smoothing)方法(例如,移动平均)来解决由于澳门房屋交易数据库中缺少环境特征所引起的特征法房地产指数同比高频率震荡的问题。该房地产价格指数构建方法也适用于其他类似地区,如香港或中国大陆。 Macao real estate market is small, its price changes by external factors showed high-frequency oscillation, thereby increasing bank lending, government regulation, and other difficulties. This paper describes how to structure the real estate pricing index for Macao SAR. This method was developed, mainly based on the hedonic method for real estate pricing index structuring, the advantage of which is to be able to reflect changes in the implied value of the house price (e.g., characteristics) to changes in demand and supply of real estate in Macao SAR. The data collection sources of public housing intermediary “Centaline (Macau)” housing transaction data, this data is correct and timely manner to reflect the Macaoreal estate transactions. Secondly, the use of smoothing method e.g. moving average to solve the problems of the characteristics of Macao Real Estate Index high frequency due to the lack of environmental characteristics of Macao housing transaction database. Therefore the structuring method is also suitable for other similar cases, such as Hong Kong and MainlandChina.


