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Cropley, A. J. (2000). Defining and measuring creativity: Are creativity tests worth using? Roeper Review, 23, 72-79.


  • 标题: 受HIV/AIDS影响的青少年群体之创造力潜能Creative Potentials of HIV/AIDS-Affected Adolescents

    作者: 徐华女, 黄蕴智, 陈菁, 李强

    关键字: 受HIV/AIDS影响的青少年, 创造力, 绘图式创造性思维测验(TCT-DP)HIV/AIDS-Affected Adolescents, Creativity, Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT-DP)

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.4 No.4, 2014-07-07

    摘要: 以绘图式创造性思维测验(TCT-DP)探讨受HIV/AIDS影响的青少年群体之创造力潜能。被试为44名湖北农村12~18岁受HIV/AIDS影响的青少年,其中16名为HIV感染者,28名为来自受HIV/AIDS影响的家庭之非感染者。结果显示,被试的TCT-DP总分平均为21.66(SD = 6.57),与以往研究中城市青少年的TCT-DP得分水平相当;HIV感染组(M = 21.88, SD = 6.08)与非感染组(M = 21.54, SD = 6.95)差异不显著。据此,两类受HIV/AIDS影响的青少年群体在创造力潜能上并不逊于普通青少年群体,他们在受教育和发展上处境不利的状况理应得到改善。 To investigate the creative potentials of HIV/AIDS-affected adolescents, the Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT-DP) was applied to forty-four 12 - 18 years old adolescents in rural areas of the Hubei province. Sixteen are HIV-infected; twenty-eight are non-infected but they come from HIV/AIDS-affected families (i.e., one or both parents are living with HIV/AIDS, or died of AIDS). The results showed that participants’ average composite score on TCT-DP was 21.66 (SD = 6.57), which is comparable to that of the urban adolescents in previous studies. The difference in TCT-DP composite score between the HIV-infected group (M = 21.88, SD = 6.08) and the non-infected group (M = 21.54, SD = 6.95) was not significant, nor was there any significant difference between the groups with and without learning difficulties. Girls performed significantly better than boys in the TCT-DP composite score and the subscale of “New elements”. It is worthy to note that the creative potentials of the HIV-infected adolescents can be as good as their non-infected counterparts who come from HIV/AIDS-affected families. Furthermore, the creative potentials of the adolescents infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS are not inferior to those of the adolescents in the general population. The disadvantageous conditions of their education and development need to be improved.


