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张国栋. 利用鲢鳙鱼及水生植物控制平原水库富营养化的研究[D]: [硕士学位论文]. 青岛: 青岛理工大学, 2011.


  • 标题: 以临安东湖为例研究封闭性湖泊高温季节浮游生物的变化规律Take Lin’an East Lake for Example to Study the Change Rule of the Plankton in Closed Lake in the High Temperature Season

    作者: 胡可慧, 李瑛, 张欲绩, 马雄超, 郑恩美, 朱斐

    关键字: 浮游生物, 群落演替, 水质检测Plankton, Community Succession, Water Quality Detection

    期刊名称: 《Open Journal of Fisheries Research》, Vol.3 No.3, 2016-09-12

    摘要: 本文通过调查临安东湖浮游生物及水质状况,鉴定并记录了浮游植物3门21属21种,其中蓝藻门7属,硅藻门6属,绿藻门8属。硅藻门中针杆藻属占整个藻类总数量的43.03%,在数量上占有绝对优势,弯形小尖头藻数量与微囊藻数量分别占藻类总数量的12.8%与12.6%。有害的藻类占据很高比例,说明水体呈现轻度污染的情况。浮游动物大多为萼花臂尾轮虫,其它浮游动物较少检测到,说明浮游动物的种类单一,多样性较差。水质指标中溶解氧含量较为正常,但水的PH值偏碱性,且夏季高温季节的氨氮含量偏高。在夏季温度最高的8月和9月,浮游植物总量达到峰值,而浮游动物总量则降至最低,这与水体中氨氮含量偏高有关。本研究分析了水域浮游生物数量结构特点,对水域环境进行了评价,并分析原因提出改善水域生态和环境的思路。 For investigating of the plankton community structure and water quality of Lin’an East Lake, 21 species of phytoplankton which belongs to 21 genera of 3 phylum were identified and recorded, including 7 genera of Cyanophyta, 6 genera of Bacillariophyta and 8 genera of Chlorophyta. Synedra genera accounted for 43.03% of the total number of algae and occupied the absolute superiority in quantity. Raphidiopsis eurtnta and Microcystis aeruginosa accounted for 12.8% and 12.6% of the total number of algae. Zooplanktons are mostly as Brachionus calyciflorus and other zooplankton is less detected, which indicates that the diversity of the species of zooplankton is poor. The dissolved oxygen content in water is relatively normal, but the PH value of water is slightly alkaline and the content of ammonia nitrogen is high during the summer season. This study characters the quantity and the structure of plankton and evaluates the water environment, and puts forward the idea of improving the ecological environment of East Lake.


