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刘兵, 何新林, 蒲胜海, 等. B/S模式实时灌溉调度系统框架设计[J]. 中国水利, 2007, 15: 51-52. LIU Bing, HE Xinlin, PU Shenghai, et al. Framework design for real-time irrigation dispatching system. China Water Resources, 2007, 15: 51-52. (in Chinese)


  • 标题: 冬小麦非充分灌溉不同水分处理下需水量分析Water Needs Analysis of Deficit Irrigation for Winter-Wheat Under Different Moisture Treatments

    作者: 马建琴, 李明

    关键字: 非充分灌溉, 实时, 需水量, 冬小麦, 需水规律Deficit Irrigation; Real-Time; Water Needs; Winter-Wheat; Water Needs Rule

    期刊名称: 《Journal of Water Resources Research》, Vol.1 No.4, 2012-08-10

    摘要: 针对灌溉中作物实时需水量分析研究中存在的问题,本文进行了实验方案设计,利用土壤水环境测定系统EnviroScan进行了土壤水分测定,自动气象站AWS对气象条件进行观测,利用监测的实时数据资料,研究了非充分灌溉条件下冬小麦不同水分处理时的灌水情况,对生育期总需水量、生育期逐日需水量变化趋势和各生育阶段的需水量及需水模系数进行了分析,实验的三组处理灌水情况与需水量情况都与试验区气候和冬小麦自身生长规律相符合,可为冬小麦的节水高产和制定经济合理的实时灌溉制度提供理论依据。 Aimed at the problem of water needs in crop’s real-time irrigation, the experiment scheme is designed in the paper, the soil moisture is monitored via the technical soil-water environment monitoring system-EnviroScan, the weather data is measured by the automatic weather station (AWS). Based on those real- time measured data, the different irrigation simulation under different experiment deal is studied for deficit irrigation, the water needs of the whole growth stage, the trend of daily water needs, water needs coefficients of each growth period are all analyzed in the paper, which could provide theoretical basis and decision sup- port for reasonable real-time irrigation for winter-wheat. The results showed that the irrigation simulations and the real water needs rule for the three experimental water deals were according with the real weather and the growth of winter wheat.


