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A. L. Web-ber, J. Wood. Amblyopia: Prevalence, natural history, functional effects and treatment. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2005, 88(6): 365-375.


  • 标题: 解读弱视的概念Decipherment of Amblyopia Concepts

    作者: 赵建浩

    关键字: 弱视, 概念, 发病机制Amblyopia; Concept; Etiopathogenesis

    期刊名称: 《Hans Journal of Ophthalmology》, Vol.2 No.1, 2013-03-25

    摘要: 笔者简要介绍了弱视概念的历史沿革,例举出Hubel和Wiesel对弱视取得的重大突破所做的贡献。并汇集当今国际上对弱视的定义进行比较、采纳和总结,参照应如何下定义的规则,对弱视概念做了稍许的取舍。围绕其概念建议对弱视患者的VEP长期随访观察,此对验证弱视的视觉中枢缺陷性质及状态或许将会有进一步的认识;提到对弱视的特定排除标准,“不宜诊断为弱视而可随访观察”的患例,应积极开展多中心的临床对照研究。提到弱视发病机制有多元化模式的争议现状。This paper starts with a summary of Amblyopia research and treatment history, introducing some milestones contributed by Hubel and Wiesel. The author studied, compared and summarized Amblyopia definition from world- wide researchers, and then derived his own definition of Amblyopia based on international standards. The core recommendation is, based on the concept of Amblyopia, to set up a long-term VEP observation study for Amblyopes. The aim is to develop further understanding in relation to diagnosis of deficiency and status of visual cortex under Amblyopia condition. The article also discusses the criteria of exemption for specific cases, and cases which are “not appropriate to diagnose as Amblyopia but advisable to set up a long-term monitoring study”. These cases are valuable for researchers to study and to investigate the nosogenesis of Amblyobia and, potentially, possibility of Amblyopia diversification which is still subject to further argument and discussion at the moment. Therefore it requires a large sample size, multi-centre trial to elucidate it, and pro-actively study.


