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F. A. Sheikh, P. A. Bhat. Effect of temperature and concentration on density, apparent molar volume, ultrasound velocity, iso- entropic compressibility, viscosity, and conductivity of hexade- cyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2012, 57(12): 3368-3374


  • 标题: 柠檬酸钾水溶液热力学性质研究Thermodynamic Property of Potassium Citrate Solution

    作者: 王小芳, 樊松林, 朱国强, 景海权, 周芸

    关键字: 柠檬酸钾, 密度, 粘度, 表观摩尔体积Potassium Citrate; Density; Viscosity; Apparent Molar Volume

    期刊名称: 《Hans Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》, Vol.1 No.1, 2013-07-25

    摘要: 柠檬酸钾是目前预防结石常用的一种药物,研究其在水溶液中的扩散具有重要的理论和指导意义。而其水溶液的热力学性质是研究其扩散性质所必需的基础数据。同时,研究相关的热力学性质,可以获得柠檬酸钾在水中的作用及对结石预防和控制的机制。因此,本文研究了柠檬酸钾加量对其水溶液的密度和粘度的影响,并计算得到表观摩尔体积,为生理过程及医疗作用研究提供基础数据。 Potassium citrate nowadays is a pharmaceutical commonly used to prevent calculus. The research of potassium citrate diffusion in aqueous solutions shows significant theoretical and practical meanings. However, it is necessary to research its thermodynamic property which can provided fundamental data for the whole diffusion properties. Meanwhile, the mechanism of preventing and controlling the calculus and the interaction of potassium citrate and water can be obtained by investigation of thermodynamic property. In this work, the influence of potassium citrate solution concentration on density and viscosity were investigated. Based on the density data, the apparent molar volume was calculated at the same time. The results can be utilized as fundamental data for the future research on the medical effect of potassium citrate.


