聊城市青少年近视流行病学调查及近视防控Epidemiological Survey and Prevention and Control of Juvenile Myopia in Liaocheng City
杨丛丛, 杨学辉
眼科学Vol.9 No.4, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2020.94034, October 20 2020
个性化角膜塑形术控制儿童青少年近视的临床研究Study on the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Orthokeratology for Controlling Myopia in Adolescents
吕秀芳, 钟 晖, 何 莉, 王 莉, 陈妍彤, 罗丽够, 杨浩江 科研立项经费支持
眼科学Vol.8 No.3, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2019.83109, September 23 2019
带散光多焦点人工晶体治疗高度近视白内障散光的临床观察The Clinical Study of Toric Multifocal Intraocular Lens in Correcting Corneal Astigmatism and High Myopia after Phacoemulsification
何 阳, 杨 阳
眼科学Vol.7 No.1, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2018.71006, March 21 2018
高度近视合并白内障患者三焦点人工晶体植入的临床效果观察Clinical Effect of Trifocal Diffractive Intraocular Lens Implantation in Patients with High Myopia and Cataract
齐莹莹, 李晓晓, 冷 林, 王艳萍
眼科学Vol.7 No.1, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2018.71005, March 16 2018
关于青少年近视影响因素及防控措施综述——基于2011~2021年国内研究Review on Influencing Factors and Prevention and Control Measures of Adolescent Myopia—Based on Domestic Research from 2011 to 2021
杨兴坤, 宋淑华
眼科学Vol.11 No.1, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2022.111002, January 24 2022
轴率比在儿童中低度近视诊断的应用Diagnostic Value of Axial to Corneal Curvature Ratio in Children with Low Myopia and Moderate Myopia
胡 俊, 陈子扬, 张 晔, 蓝 倩, 胡艳红 科研立项经费支持
眼科学Vol.9 No.1, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJO.2020.91011, March 25 2020