2012年0419预测卡片(3年期)的试验总结—地震地热说的壳内强震与火山预测方法介绍Summary of the Test of 0419 Forecast Card (3 Years) in 2012—Recommend on the Methods of Intracrustal Strong Earthquake Pre-diction and Volcanic Prediction by the Theory of Seismo-Geothermics
地震地热说, 地震柱, 0419卡, 壳内强震, 火山, 壳下地震, 预测Seismo-Geothermics Theory, Seismic Cone, 0419 Card, Intracrustal Strong Earthquake, Volcano, Subcrustal Earthquake, Forecast
《Open Journal of Natural Science》, Vol.3 No.4, 2015-11-19
The reality check of activity trend and activity site prediction on major seismic cones within next 3 years on April 19, 2012 (0419 card), which was according to the strong earthquake and volcano prediction method from Seismo-Geothemics Theory and basing on the ANSS earthquake catalog from Northern California Earthquake Data Center, has been received in this paper and the prediction method are introduced and discussed that the method for intracrustal strong earthquake and volcanic activity background and trend in medium-short-term forecasting is feasible and therefore, it is necessary to improve observation precision in the region of coverage seismic cones and strengthen the subcrustal seismic activity monitoring and research.