西北太平洋滨海地区的地震活动与地震柱构造Seismic Activity and Seismic Cone Structures in the Coastal Area of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
地震地热说, 地震柱, 壳下地震, 壳内强震, 火山, 西北太平洋Seismo-Geothermics Theory, Seismic Cone, Subcrustal Earthquake, Intracrustal Strong Earthquake, Volcano, The Northwest Pacific Ocean
《Advances in Geosciences》, Vol.6 No.3, 2016-06-28
According to the Seismo-Geothermics theory about methods of intracrustal strong earthquake and volcano prediction, by comparing the ANSS earthquake catalogue from the Northern California earthquake data center and the earthquake monthly reports from Japan Meteorological Agency, and extensive study of the seismic activities and the seismic cone structures in the coastal area of the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the author of this paper further confirms that the seismic cone structure in that area is a stable frame structure. This paper also identifies carefully the polygon regions of Okhotsk seismic cone, Japan seismic cone and Taiwan & Ryukyu seismic cone, makes a special demonstration of the Hunchun seismic cone, China, and then studies the situations and causes of Japan earthquake Mw9.0 in 2011, Kumamoto earthquake Mj7.3 in 2016, Hanshin earth-quake Ms6.8 in 1995, the activities of Taiwan seismic cone, and volcano activities in related regions, and the relationship of seismic activities between Taiwan and Ryukyu. At the same time, this paper introduces some prediction methods of earthquakes and volcanoes, which are meaningful for the study area, and maybe for whole of the Earth. The principle and methods of seismo- geothermics theory, and the concept of seismic cone structure have been put forward for many years by the author, who has been committed to the ideas of prediction research of intracrustal strong earthquakes and volcanic activities, and hopes to be able to contribute to the disaster prevention for human being.