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Cienki, A. (2007) Frames, idealized cognitive models, and domains. In: Geeraerts, D. and Cuyckens, H., Eds., The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York, 170-187.


  • 标题: 基于框架语义学的仿拟认知功能访谈研究An Interview Study of Cognitive Functions of Parody from the Perspective of Frame Semantics

    作者: 和媛媛

    关键字: “那西芮玛人的身体仪式”, 框架语义学, 仿拟, 认知功能, 访谈Body Ritual among the Nacirema, Frame Semantics, Parody, Cognitive Functions, Interview

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.2 No.4, 2014-11-21

    摘要: 本研究围绕Horace Miner 1956年的文章“那西芮玛人的身体仪式”(Body Ritual among the Nacirema)对4名读者进行了访谈,以考察此类仿拟作品的认知功能。访谈以一对一的形式进行,访谈对象在阅读该文后回答了12个访谈问题。对访谈资料的框架语义学分析发现,仿拟不仅仅是一种修辞手法,更是语言使用者巧妙利用语言和框架的关系认知事物的一种特殊方式。“那西芮玛人的身体仪式”之类的仿拟作品有助于读者在阅读过程中进行再框架化和框架转换,并从中意识到语言、框架对认知结果的影响。 This study involved an interview of 4 readers of Horace Miner’s 1956 article Body Ritual among the Nacirema so as to investigate cognitive functions of parodies of similar type. The interviews were conducted on a one-on-one basis, during which each interviewee answered 12 questions after reading the article. A frame-semantic analysis of interview data suggests that parody is not merely a rhetoric device but rather a special way for language users to construe things through manipulating relations between language and frames. Parodies like Body Ritual among the Nacirema facilitate readers’ reframing and frame-shifting during reading, which ultimately lead them to an awareness of the effect of language and frames on construal.


