From Countryside to City: The Research on Social Integration of New Citizens in Chongqing and Chengdu
摘要: 本文选取重庆和成都统筹城乡以来获得城市户籍的2158名新市民群体为调查对象,揭示农转非新市民城市社会融入的特征,并探究元刻板印象、社会比较、社会距离与满意度对社会融入的影响。结果发现:1) 新市民城市社会融入程度偏低;2) 社会比较以满意度为中介作用于社会融入;3) 积极元刻板印象对社会比较和满意度有显著的调节效果。
Abstract: From the perspective of psychology, 2158 new citizens from Chongqing and Chengdu participated in the survey. We focused on the extent of adapting to the city for new citizens and explored the influence of the meta-stereotypes, social comparison, warmth and satisfaction on social inclusion. Results showed: 1) The new citizens didn’t adapt into their city in a low extent; 2) Social comparison acted on social integration through the mediating effect of satisfaction; 3) Positive meta-ste- reotype moderates social comparison and social inclusion significantly.
文章引用:肖雪, 赵玉芳. 从乡村到城市:统筹城乡背景中新市民的社会融入研究 [J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 313-322. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42045


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