Diegesis, Narration and Narrative in Saat Po Long 2 (2015): A Discussion Based on the Narrative Theory of Gérard Genette
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.33015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,811  浏览: 7,909 
作者: 朱倩兰:厦门大学,福建 厦门
关键词: 杀破狼II热奈特叙事时间叙事语态叙事语式Saat Po Long 2 Gérard Genette Narrative Time Narrative Mode Narrative Instance
摘要: 《杀破狼II》(SPL2: A Time for Consequences, 2015)是香港导演郑保瑞执导作品,于2015年6月18日两岸三地同步公映。此片相对独立于叶伟信执导的前作《杀破狼I》(Saat Po Long, 2005),叙事方法尤富特色。本文以法国文论家热奈特(Gérard Genette)《叙事话语》(Figures III: Discours du récit, 1972;王文融中译本,1990)一书中界定范畴为基准,以叙事时间、语式、语态等要素为线索,梳理《杀破狼II》叙事结构,试图厘清影片叙事脉络,探问导演独运之匠心。
Abstract: As a brand-new film created by Hong Kong director Pou-Soi Cheang, Saat Po Long 2: A Time for Consequences (2015) was released on June 18, 2015, in both continental China and Hong Kong. Independent of its prequel Saat Po Long (2005), this action film reveals some impressive narrative methods during its 120-minutes plot. Based on several literary terms in Figures III: Discours du récit (1972) of Gérard Genette, a French literary theorist, this present thesis observes the entire narrative structure of Saat Po Long 2: A Time for Consequences by analyzing its narrative time, mode, also its narrative instance, in order to clarify its artistic characteristics in a narrative form.
文章引用:朱倩兰. 《杀破狼II》故事、叙述与叙事——从热奈特《叙事话语》展开的讨论[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(3): 94-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.33015