Language Compression in Simultaneous Interpreting under the Theory of Cumulative Dynamic Analysis
摘要: 同声传译中,译员常常要面对语速快、信息密度高的各类演讲,对译员的处理能力构成了极大的挑战。同声传译的目标识将讲话人的信息完整、准确地传达给听众。为了做到这一点,首先需要理解的是译员的理解过程是一种累积动态分析。基于此可以采取相应地同声传译的压缩策略,以保证讲话人要表达的目的能够得到有效地传达,保证同声传译质量。
Abstract: Simultaneous interpreters have to deal with various kinds of speeches delivered at a fast rate, which is a big challenge to them. In order to convey the message of speaker to the audience, si-multaneous interpreters may need to compress the language based on cumulative dynamic (se-mantic) analysis, CDA. Therefore, a compression strategy can be adopted in order to guarantee that the intention of the speaker is conveyed, which in turn, maintains the quality of simultaneous interpreting.
文章引用:王海若. 累积动态分析下的同声传译语言压缩[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(3): 49-55. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.43007


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