A Holistic Reading of Emily Dickinson’s Poems
摘要: 在整体论的视域中,世界是一个各部分相互包含、相互依存的整体。只强调整体之中的一个侧面将会引发诸多的生态和社会问题。从整体论的角度来分析美国19世纪女诗人狄金森的诗歌,可以探知其对人与世界关系的思考。在日常生活和科学实践中,以人为中心的认知模式和碎片化思维方式发挥着主导性的作用,并在某种程度上确定了人与自然关系的走向。在生存环境日益恶化的今天,从整体的角度来重新认识人与世界的关系是相当必要的。
Abstract: A holistic view sees the world as an entity in which each part is interlinked with and dependent upon the other. Emphasizing one and neglecting the other would lead to serious ecological and social problems. In the light of holism, an analysis of the poems written by Emily Dickinson, the nineteenth century American poet, would reveal the dominant roles that human-centered cognitive mapping and fragmented model of thinking have played in daily life and scientific research, and the possible influence of this world view on the future of human-nature relationship. Faced with the degenerating environment today, we have to admit that the concept of wholeness is much needed for the readjustment of human-world relationship.
文章引用:吴兰香. 整体论视域中的狄金森诗歌研究[J]. 世界文学研究, 2016, 4(4): 71-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2016.44012


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