The Image of the Other and Its Construction—A Post-Colonialist Research on the Chinese Translated Versions of Song of Solomon
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2017.51002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,032  浏览: 4,851  国家科技经费支持
作者: 章汝雯:浙江财经大学外国语学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 他者建构后殖民翻译文学The Other Construction Post-Colonialism Translated Literature
摘要: 本文拟在后殖民视域下,以他者形象及其建构为切入点,考察《所罗门之歌》中黑人妇女作为性别他者的形象在汉译本中的建构效果,由此探索在翻译后殖民文学作品过程中,译者的建构意识与翻译效果之间的密切关系。经过对比研究,本文认为由于译者的建构意识受到一定程度的局限,对后殖民文学文本的对抗性话语结构把握尚有欠缺,因此在本文所选的两个汉译本中性别他者形象建构方面仍有改进空间。希望本文的研究结论能为该作品的重译或再版提供参考意见,也为研究翻译文学提供一条新路径。
Abstract: With the image of the Other and its construction as the focus and setting the book in the post-co- lonialist context, this paper is to examine the effects of image construction of black women as the gender other in the Chinese translated versions of Song of Solomon, so as to explore the relationship between the translator’s awareness of construction and the effect of translation. It is found that the two Chinese translated versions of Song of Solomon have much room to improve due to a limit of the translator’s construction awareness and a lack of their understanding about the conflicting discourses in the text. This paper hopes that its conclusion can provide some reference or suggestion when Song of Solomon is re-translated or re-printed, and also provide a new perspective on the research of translated literature.
文章引用:章汝雯. 他者形象及其建构——《所罗门之歌》汉译效果的后殖民审视[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(1): 7-15. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.51002


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