A Acute Toxicity Study of Cordyceps cicadae Mycelium in ICR Mice and SD Rats
DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2017.62010, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,598  浏览: 3,440 
作者: 林明义, 徐瑞霞:葡萄王生技股份有限公司,台湾 桃园;吴家驹:食品工业发展研究所,台湾 新竹;施君翰:昌达生化科技股份有限公司,台湾 台北;陈劲初:葡萄王生技股份有限公司,台湾 桃园;国立台湾大学食品科技研究所,台湾 台北;实践大学食品营养与保健生技学系,台湾 台北;中原大学生物科技学系,台湾 桃园
关键词: 蝉花急毒性测试ICR小鼠组织病理学LD50Cordyceps cicadae Acute Toxicity Assessment ICR Mice Histopathological LD50
摘要: 蝉花为名贵传统中药材,具有保护眼睛、保护肾功能等多样生理功效,野生蝉花采集不易,人工大量发酵生产是个可行的替代方式。本篇研究以采集自台湾地区的野生大蝉花作为菌种来源,并以液态发酵方式培养蝉花菌丝体,进行ICR小鼠及SD大鼠之单一极限剂量安全性评估试验。ICR小鼠的实验中分别给予RO水、12 g/kg bw蝉花发酵液冻干粉末、12 g/kg bw水萃物及3 g/kg bw酒萃物;SD大鼠则给予RO水及2000 mg/kg bw三批独立发酵生产之蝉花发酵液冻干粉末,各组别5只试验动物。试验结果显示,试验期间所有受试动物生长情况良好无死亡情形,无明显临床症状发生,生化学检查、总解剖及组织病理学检查结果与对照组相比,亦均无明显差异,此结果可作为日后人体食用功能性蝉花发酵菌丝体之安全性参考依据,并推测蝉花发酵液冻干粉末及其水萃、酒萃物喂食ICR雄、雌鼠之口服急性毒性剂量,其LD50分别大于12 g/kg bw、12 g/kgbw及3 g/kg bw。
Abstract: Cordyceps cicadae (C. cicadae) is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It exhibits a variety of biological functions, including vision improvement and protection of renal function. Because of the shortage of wild C. cicadae, artificial cultivation is an ideal alternation. The C. cicadae sample was collected from the mountain area of Taiwan and mass produced by submerged cultivation. This study was conducted to a single limit dose of acute toxicity assessment in ICR mice and SD rats. ICR mice were divided into four groups and were fed with RO water, 12 g/kg bw of freeze dried C. cicadae powder, 12 g/kg bw water extract of C. cicadae powder and 3 g/kg bw alcohol extract of C. cicadae powder. In the other test SD rats were also divided into four groups and were fed with RO water and 2000 mg/kg bw of freeze dried C. cicadae powder from three different batches. Each group has 5 experiment animals. During the study period, no abnormality occurred in clinical signs and body weight. There was no significant difference in biochemistry parameters between the treatment and control group. Necropsy and histopathological examination showed no treatment-related change. The results of this study provide evidences for the use of C. cicadae fermentation product as a safe agent in functional food. The LD50 of C. cicadae powder, its water extract and alcohol extract was greater than 12 g/kg bw, 12 g/kg bw and 3 g/kg bw in both ICR male and female mice respectively.
文章引用:林明义, 徐瑞霞, 吴家驹, 施君翰, 陈劲初. 蝉花液态培养菌丝体对ICR小鼠及SD大鼠之急毒性探讨[J]. 食品与营养科学, 2017, 6(2): 96-105. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJFNS.2017.62010


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