My View on the Teaching of Computer Programming Language
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作者: 魏佳翘, 周冰:石家庄信息工程职业学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 计算机编程语言教学computer; programming language; teaching
摘要: 本文以计算机编程语言教学为探讨主题,针对当前编程教学在计算机课程开展中的落实与发展现状, 指出其中存在的学生学习态度消极、编程思路不明晰、缺乏良好编程习惯以及基础知识掌握不扎实等问题,分析 编程语言教学的重要性,提出目标驱动教学、理清编程思路、引导学生掌握正确编程技巧、灵活处理教材以及采 用多样化教学方式等有效策略,意在优化计算机课程教学实效。
Abstract: This article takes computer programming language teaching as the topic of discussion. Aiming at the current implementation and development of programming teaching in computer courses, it points out that there are students with negative learning attitudes, unclear programming ideas, lack of good programming habits and basic knowledge. To analyze the importance of programming language teaching, propose effective strategies such as goal-driven teaching, clarify programming ideas, guide students to master correct programming skills, flexibly handle textbooks, and adopt diversified teaching methods to optimize the effectiveness of computer curriculum teaching.
文章引用:魏佳翘, 周冰. 计算机编程语言教学之我见[J]. 电脑校园, 2020, 1(8): 21-24.


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