The Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Unconscious Goal Pursuit
摘要: 无意识目标追求是指个体在无意识状态下追求自动激活的目标的行为。自动激活的目标能促使个体处于目标行为的无意识准备状态,同时通过个体对目标价值进行判断,二者相互作用引起个体的无意识目标追求。影响无意识目标追求的因素包括目标关联的重要他人、目标表征的积极情感,以及个体对目标的感受性差异、对目标的内隐态度、实现目标所需的技能等。
Abstract: Much of contemporary psychology has come to recognize that a great deal of human functioning is rooted in unconscious processes as well—that is, those processes that do not require conscious control. According to the goal auto-motive model, the goal representation can become capable of automatic activation. The researchers have discussed a mechanism for unconscious goal pursuit and demonstrated that the activated goal can lead people to prepare feasible actions that make the goal attainable and evaluate the value of the activated goal unconsciously. The factors that influence the goal pursuit may be the representations of significant others, the positive affect, the individual’s susceptibility differences, own implicit attitude, and skills about the unconscious goal pursuit.
文章引用:陈瑞涵, 杨文静, 李海江, 张庆林. 无意识目标追求的发生机制及影响因素[J]. 心理学进展, 2013, 3(1): 22-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.31004


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