Overview of the Multiple Control Strategy for PWM Grid-Connected Inverter
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2014.46037, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,241  浏览: 11,485 
作者: 王 冰, 边敦新, 王红蕾, 单 辉, 刘 萌, 王 健:山东理工大学电气与电子工程学院,淄博
关键词: 微网PWM并网逆变器控制策略复合控制策略综述Micro-Grid PWM Grid-Connected Inverter Control Strategy Multiple Control Strategy Overview
摘要: 现代电力电子技术对智能电网的发展做出了突出贡献。随着电力电子技术的发展,逆变器的应用前景日益广阔。微网是未来智能配电网的一种新的组织形式。并网逆变器是连接微电网和公用电网的核心装置。微网并网逆变器能实现分布式电源并网的基本功能。为了高效完成微网并网,并有效降低并网逆变器对电网的冲击,一些更先进的并网逆变器成了迫切的需求。未来的微网并网逆变技术的发展趋势,是将不同的控制方法进行整合形成复合控制,在向公共电网同步传输有功功率的同时,也能实现无功调节、谐波抑制的功能,可以有效提高并网逆变器的性价比。本文详细介绍了PWM并网逆变器的各种控制策略,以及其优缺点。对各种复合控制策略进行了综述。
Abstract: The modern power electronics technology makes great contribution to the development of the smart grid. With the progress of the power electronics technology, the inverter is widely used. Mi-cro-grid is a novel organization form of smart grid in the future. The grid-connected inverters are the key devices in micro-grid and extensively concerned in the world. The grid-connected inverter can realize the grid-connection of distributed energy sources. To effectively connect micro-grid into utilities and validly reduce the influence of grid-connected inverter for utilities, some grid- connected inverters with advanced functionalities are emergently expected. The prospective in-verting techniques should be the compound and complex control systems by combination of dif-ferent control strategies, with active power transfer, inactive power regulation and harmonic suppression simultaneously achieved. Grid-connected inverter gets higher performance-price ratio. The control strategies for PWM inverters are introduced in detail, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. A variety of the control strategies for PWM grid-connected inverter are reviewed.
文章引用:王冰, 边敦新, 王红蕾, 单辉, 刘萌, 王健. PWM并网逆变器的复合控制策略综述[J]. 智能电网, 2014, 4(6): 265-273.


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