A Conceptual Framework on Market Ability Reengineering (MAR) for Open Economy—A Case Study on Dongguan
DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2014.24009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,421  浏览: 8,225 
作者: 陈荣平:广东省社会科学院现代化战略研究所,广州
关键词: 开放型经济转型升级市场能力再造Open Economy Transformation and Upgrading Market Ability Reengineering
摘要: 中国至今未能摆脱开放型经济的发展怪圈:政府刺激进出口额、企业为生存接单赶货。随着外在条件变化引发自身要素成本的日益攀升,比较优势日渐丧失,开放型经济的转型升级实质成为成长阶段的跃迁——这不是简单的政府刺激、服务所能凑效的。基于此,本文在分析开放型经济成长阶段的基础上,提出一个基于开放型经济转型升级的市场能力再造分析框架及其要素:品牌能力、产品能力和互联网能力。这一分析框架可以用来解释开放型经济转型升级的相关问题。
Abstract: China has so far been unable to get rid of the vicious circle of the open economy development: the government stimulates imports and exports and the manufacturers step up production for the order to survive. As the external conditions change, which will lead to the rising of factor costs, the comparative advantage is losing. The open economy is not only easy transformation and upgrading but a growing phase transition—this is not what the simple government stimulus or the services can work on. Given this, the thesis puts forward a conceptual framework of the market ability reengineering (MAR) based on the growth stage analysis of the open economy and deems it the core of the open economy development in China. And it describes three elements of the market ability reengineering (MAR): brand ability, product ability, internet ability. The conceptual frame- work can be used to account for the transformation and upgrading of the open economy in China.
文章引用:陈荣平. 开放型经济转型升级的市场能力再造概念框架—以东莞为例[J]. 商业全球化, 2014, 2(4): 52-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2014.24009


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