Study on Chinese and Western Objective Criticism
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.32009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,852  浏览: 10,541 
作者: 江玉娇, 盛 钰:浙江师范大学外国语学院,浙江 金华
关键词: M. H.艾布拉姆斯客体化批评T. S.艾略特王国维M. H. Abrams Objective Criticism T. S. Eliot Guowei Wang
摘要: 论文首先阐释艾布拉姆斯对客体文学批评理论的描述,然后,加深研究客体理论在西方的起源、发展、成熟,认为T.S.艾略特是西方客体批评理论发扬光大的人,其影响来自柏拉图的“智性”哲学思想。最后,论文探讨在西方客体批评理论观照下的中国文论中客体化理论的某些特征,并认为庄子的“庄周梦蝶”故事是真正意义上的客体化理论,王国维受西方哲学和美学的影响,用“无我之境”说升华了庄子的客体化批评理论。
Abstract: This article first demonstrates Abrams’ description of Objective Critical Theory, then further ex-plains the origin, development and prosperity of Objective Criticism in Western countries, and ar-rives the conclusion that T. S. Eliot was the person who had carried forward Western Objective Criticism with the help of Plato’s “intellective philosophy”. Finally, the paper discusses several characteristics of Chinese Objective Criticism under the influences of Western Objective Criticism, regards Chuang Tzu’s story “Zhuang Zhou’s Dreaming of Becoming a Butterfly” as the representa-tion of Objective Criticism, and thinks that influenced by western philosophy and aestheticism, Wang Guowei sublimated Chuang Tzu’s Objective Criticism with his “Selfless State Theory”.
文章引用:江玉娇, 盛钰. 中西客体化批评理论研究[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(2): 53-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.32009


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