Clinical Application of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Elderly Hypertension
DOI: 10.12677/ACRVM.2016.43003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,951  浏览: 3,967 
作者: 孙有保:河南省武陟县人民医院,干部病房,河南 武陟县;李元新:北京海军万寿路干休所门诊部,北京;冯全洲*:北京复兴路28号解放军总医院心内科,北京
关键词: 老年人动态血压监测高血压诊断Elderly Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Hypertension Diagnosis
摘要: 目的:研究24 h动态血压监测在老年高血压诊治中的临床意义。方法:对871例高血压患者和380例正常血压者进行偶测血压、24 h动态血压监测和心脏超声检查,分析偶测血压与24 h动态血压在两组病人中的区别,超声左室指数与血压的关系。结果:①偶测收缩压显著高于24 h平均收缩压;②高血压组血压及血压负荷均明显大于对照组;③随着血压的升高左室肥厚的检出率显著增加;④动态血压监测结果和左室质量指数显著相关。结论:动态血压监测较偶测血压更能反映血压对心脏靶器官的影响,有助于判断高血压程度、指导高血压的治疗。
Abstract: Objective: The objective is to evaluate clinical importance of 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the treatment of elderly hypertension. Methods: Casual blood pressure measurement, 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and echocardiography were performed in 871 older patients with hypertension and 380 the elderly with normotension. The differences of casual blood pressure measurement and 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring between the two groups and the correlation between blood pressure and LVMI (left ventricle mass index) were tested. Results: Casual systolic blood pressure was significantly higher than 24 h systolic blood pressure in all groups. The blood pressure and blood pressure load in the patients with hypertension was significantly higher than the patients with mormotension. Left ventricular hypertrophy detected increased with the increase of hypertension stage. 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure significantly correlated with LVMI. Conclusion: Ambulatory blood pressure moni-toring provided more information about the damage of the target organ and the diagnosis and treatment, compared with casual blood pressure measurement.
文章引用:孙有保, 李元新, 冯全洲. 动态血压监测在老年高血压诊治中的临床意义[J]. 亚洲心脑血管病例研究, 2016, 4(3): 15-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRVM.2016.43003


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