Social Mindfulness in the Interpersonal Interaction: Conceptualization, Assessment and Influenced Mechanism
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.79138, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,279  浏览: 7,859  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 窦 凯, 聂衍刚:广州大学教育学院心理学系,广东 广州;广州大学广州人心理与行为研究中心,广东 广州;王玉洁:广东轻工职业技术学院马克思主义学院,广东 广州;张庆鹏:广州大学公共管理学院,广东 广州
关键词: 社会善念社会认知人际互动SoMi范式Social Mindfulness Social Cognition Interpersonal Interaction SoMi Paradigm
摘要: 社会善念是个体在人际互动中充满善意地关注、尊重并保护他人选择的需要和权利的行为,可通过SoMi范式进行有效测评。相关研究表明,社会善念受到心理理论、观点采择、资源负荷等认知因素和移情、社会价值取向、诚实–谦恭、宜人性等人格因素的影响;此外,社会善念与社会敌意作为同一种动机连续体的两端,社会善念能促进人际互动中更多的信任与合作,而社会敌意会带来一些负性人际结果,如厌恶、憎恨和攻击等。为了能更全面深入的理解社会善念,本文从已有研究的基础上提出一个整合性的研究框架,并强调未来研究可从社会善念测评的适用性、社会善念的调节因素和潜在的神经生理机制等方面进一步扩展。
Abstract: As a positive construct in interpersonal relationship, social mindfulness refers to one’s effortful control on “regarding others” and on considering others’ needs in the processes of social deci-sion-making. Social mindfulness can be assessed through SoMi paradigm. Previous studies have demonstrated that social mindfulness is influenced by various cognitive factors and personality traits. In addition, being the two poles of the same motivational continuum, social mindfulness and social hostility have been respectively discovered to promote more trusting and cooperating behavior and to result in various negative interpersonal consequences such as loathing, hatred, and aggression. In order to understand social mindfulness in more depth, based on prior findings, the author proposed an integrating framework for future studies, which emphasized that future researches may focus on the generalizability of the assessment of social mindfulness in different cultures, the moderating factors of this concept, and its underlying neural and biological mechanisms.
文章引用:窦凯, 聂衍刚, 王玉洁, 张庆鹏 (2017). 人际互动中的社会善念:概念、测评及影响机制. 心理学进展, 7(9), 1101-1112. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.79138


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