济南芙蓉街历史文化街区商业空间保护与更新设计研究Study on Protection and Renewal Design of Commercial Space in Furong Street Historical and Cultural District of Jinan
焦 杨, 张 楠 下载量: 44 浏览量: 109
设计 Vol.9 No.3, June 21 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/design.2024.93368 被引量
公共艺术介入中轴线历史文化街区公共空间改造设计研究——以泰安市通天街为例Research on the Public Space Transformation Design of the Central Axis Historical and Cultural District Involving Public Art—Taking Tongtian Street, Tai’an City as an Example
贾陆洋 下载量: 451 浏览量: 840
设计 Vol.8 No.4, December 15 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.84390 被引量
历史文化街区的保护与发展——以意大利和中国为例Protection and Development of Historical and Cultural Blocks—Taking Italy and China as Examples
苑欣雨 下载量: 436 浏览量: 795
可持续发展 Vol.14 No.1, January 31 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/SD.2024.141025 被引量
基于文旅融合的历史街区改造设计——以镇江新河街为例Renovation Design of Historical District Based on Cultural and Tourism Integration—Taking Zhenjiang Xinhe Street as an Example
黄奇苓, 邓莉丽, 杨晟辉 下载量: 431 浏览量: 1,543
设计 Vol.8 No.3, September 21 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.83221 被引量
基于“有机更新”理论的历史文化街区改造策略研究Research on the Renovation Strategy of Historical and Cultural Districts Based on the Theory of “Organic Renewal”
龚 贺 下载量: 2 浏览量: 68
地理科学研究 Vol.13 No.4, August 27 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/gser.2024.134060 被引量
上海历史文化街区语言景观研究——以多伦路为例A Study on the Linguistic Landscape of Shanghai Historical and Cultural Districts—A Case Study of Duolun Road
陈 珊 下载量: 352 浏览量: 846
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.12, December 27 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.1112843 被引量
基于居民满意度的居住型历史文化街区活力度提升设计——以杭州市中山中路历史文化街区为例Design of Enhancing the Vitality of Residential Historical and Cultural Districts Based on Residents’ Satisfaction—A Case of Zhongshan Middle Road Historical and Cultural Neighborhood in Hangzhou
孙卓栋, 吴启文, 王艺锦, 陈学轩, 陈番毫 下载量: 425 浏览量: 1,827 科研立项经费支持
设计 Vol.8 No.3, September 26 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.83239 被引量
城市认知理论下的历史文化街区空间体验研究——以南京颐和路片区为例Research on Spatial Experience of Historical and Cultural Neighborhoods under Urban Cognition Theory—Taking Nanjing Yihe Road Area as an Example
濮 依 下载量: 372 浏览量: 897
设计 Vol.9 No.1, February 7 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2024.91035 被引量
基于POI的历史文化街区活力分析及策略研究——以杭州市小河直街为例Vitality Analysis and Strategy Research of Historical and Cultural Districts Based on POI—Taking Xiaohe Street in Hangzhou as an Example
阮佳茜, 高 宁 下载量: 404 浏览量: 816 科研立项经费支持
设计 Vol.8 No.3, September 8 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.83159 被引量
文旅融合视角下城市历史街区更新设计研究——以大连市东关街为例Research on Urban Historic District Renewal Design from the Perspective of Cultural and Tourism Integration—Taking Dongguan Street in Dalian City as an Example
吴双依, 刘利剑 下载量: 355 浏览量: 1,645
设计 Vol.8 No.3, September 12 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.83178 被引量