Abstract: Objective: With the development of human-machine interface, the biomedical signal-based inte-raction system would be more natural and direct. On the other hand, telecommunication has wide applications in various fields. The objective of this study is to realize a sEMG-based wireless inte-raction control system. Method: According to the characteristics of sEMG signal, a record and am-plifier circuit was designed. The recorded sEMG is passing through a band pass filter. The feature of integration was calculated and transited into binary logical values. The obtained binary logical values were transferred to control module by using ZigBee technique. Finally, the interaction con-trol was realized. Results: Totally 4 healthy subjects with an average age of 20 years old were par-ticipated. The subjects were asked to do four kinds of hand movements and three channels of sEMG signals were recorded. Based on the testing results, the accuracy of control command extraction based on sEMG signal analysis and ZigBee transmission was near to 100%. The presented system has the functions of real-time record, analysis, transmit and control. Conclusion: The developed sEMG-based wireless interaction control system has good performance in real-time processing, which can be usable for telecommunication and rehabilitation applications.
1. 引言
随着无线通信、无线控制、无线定位和无线组网等技术的迅猛发展,这些新技术已展现了强大的生命力和广阔的市场前景。目前,无线通信技术在康复医疗、数据采集、远程控制和病人移动观察等多个方面都取得了许多新的应用。ZigBee技术作为一种新兴的无线通信技术,具有近距离、低复杂度、低功耗、低数据速率和低成本等特点[1] 。ZigBee技术现已应用到火灾自动报警系统、智能家居解决方案、智能照明控制系统等各种系统中[2] -[4] 。