IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters

Multiclass and Binary SVM Classification: Implications for Training and Classification Users

Mathur A. and Foody G.M.

Support vector machines Support vector machine classification Remote sensing Classification tree analysis Neural networks Data analysis Image classification Decision trees Councils

Support vector machines (SVMs) have considerable potential for supervised classification analyses, but their binary nature has been a constraint on their use in remote sensing. This typically requires a multiclass analysis be broken down into a series of binary classifications, following either the one-against-one or one-against-all strategies. However, the binary SVM can be extended for a one-shot multiclass classification needing a single optimization operation. Here, an approach for one-shot multi- class classification of multispectral data was evaluated against approaches based on binary SVM for a set of five-class classifications. The one-shot multiclass classification was more accurate (92.00%) than the approaches based on a series of binary classifications (89.22% and 91.33%). Additionally, the one-shot multi- class SVM had other advantages relative to the binary SVM-based approaches, notably the need to be optimized only once for the parameters C and 7 as opposed to five times for one-against-all and ten times for the one-against-one approach, respectively, and used fewer support vectors, 215 as compared to 243 and 246 for the binary based approaches. Similar trends were also apparent in results of analyses of a data set of larger dimensionality. It was also apparent that the conventional one-against-all strategy could not be guaranteed to yield a complete confusion matrix that can greatly limit the assessment and later use of a classification derived by that method.


