厄瓜多尔地震柱的构造与地震和火山的预测研究The Structure of Ecuador Seismic Cone and the Prediction Research of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
陈立军 科研立项经费支持
自然科学Vol.4 No.3, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/OJNS.2016.43035, August 11 2016
伊朗地区的地震活动与地震柱构造Seismic Activity and Seismic Cone Tectonics in Iran Region
自然科学Vol.7 No.6, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/OJNS.2019.76060, November 7 2019
全球火山活动成因及其分类研究Study on Global Volcanic Activity Genesis and its Classification
汉斯预印本Vol.1 No.1, 全文下载: PDF DOI:10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2016.11020, June 16 2016
车排子地区石炭系火山岩地震相特征The Characteristics of Seismic Facies of Carboniferous Volcanic in Chepaizi Area
王兆雷, 张吉辉, 邓西里
地球科学前沿Vol.5 No.4, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/AG.2015.54028, August 11 2015
论地震及火山与宇宙膨胀的关系The Relationship Between Earthquakes and Volcanic Explosions and the Expansion of the Universe
汉斯预印本Vol.4 No.1, 全文下载: PDF DOI:10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2019.41007, March 28 2019
分子诊断技术在结核性脊柱炎和布鲁杆菌性脊柱炎早期鉴别诊断中的应用和发展Application and Development of Molecular Diagnostic Techniques in the Early Differential Diagnosis of Tuberculous Spondylitis and Brucellosis Spondylitis
卡地尔别克·木沙, 王 浩
临床医学进展Vol.13 No.11, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2023.13112418, November 6 2023