基于无线传感网络的数据采集及远程监控系统研究与实现Study and Implementation of Collecting Data and Remote Monitoring System Based on WSN
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无线通信Vol.7 No.3, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJWC.2017.73014, June 21 2017
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基于无线传感器网络的水深监测系统设计Design of Water Depth Surveying System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
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无线传感器网络QOS-QOE节能优化模型QOS-QOE Energy Saving Optimization Model for Wireless Sensor Networks
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基于μC/OS-II的无线传感器网络网关的设计与实现The Design and Implementation of the WSN Gateway Based on μC/OS-II
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传感器技术与应用Vol.4 No.2, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/JSTA.2016.42009, April 27 2016
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