“自下而上”语言符号的涵义及其话语传播意义The Linguistic Sign Connotations of the Word of “Bottom Up”
谭英, 王德海, 万丽
自下而上, 语言符号, 内涵, 话语传播意义“Bottom Up”; Linguistic Sign; The Connotations; The Meanings of Language Communications
《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.2 No.1, 2013-03-07
近年来,“自下而上”语言符号在各个研究领域出现的频率越来越高,且含义各不相同,但在众多的研究中对该词语内涵的追溯和话语传播意义的研究却未见到。本文通过文献研究法对“自下而上”一词的内涵与应用进行梳理后发现,“自下而上”语言符号的本义和引申义至今仍然在不同学科领域使用,其引申义即话语意义高频出现有其特殊的历史意义和现实意义。对此进行研究以了解在不同的语境下人们使用该语言符号的本义、引申义和象征义的状况,以期从多角度分析社会阶层的“上”与“下”关系,话语传播体系中“上”与“下”的关系,为进一步探讨“自下而上与自上而下”平等转化、平等对话的深度研究提供参考依据。In recent years, the frequency of studying the word “bottom-up” is becoming higher in various research areas and the results are very different. However there is no one has ever explored the changes of its connotations according to the human being’s development when people are doing language communications. This article is going to apply the literature study method to give the opinion that the original and extended meanings of the word “bottom-up” are still be used in the various science fields frequently with both special historical meanings and realistic meanings. Therefore, try to explore the extended meanings and symbolic meanings in the different culture and social environment, comparing with its original meanings. In order to analysis the relationships between the social “higher levels” and the “lower levels” from multi angles, as well as the relationship between them in the linguistic communications system. The goals of our study are to provide the basis for the further and deep discovery on the equal communications between the “higher levels” and the “lower levels”.