Values in Joseph Heller’s The Sound of Asthma
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作者: 王姝婷:泰州学院,江苏 泰州
关键词: 《哮喘声声》后现代主义价值观The Sound of Asthma Postmodernism Values
摘要: 短篇小说《哮喘声声》(著于1946~1949年间)是约瑟夫∙海勒学生时期的作品,已初具后现代主义写作特点。笔者分析该短篇小说中后现代主义社会背景,由此背景着重分析短篇小说中人物长官彼得、退伍老兵麦克斯、麦克斯太太莎拉、疲惫老头亚历克斯等人物对战争的不同态度与之折射出的当时美国日渐形成的后现代主义社会中不同阶层的价值观,并分析其黑色幽默、不确定性、塑造反英雄式人物等后现代主义写作如何有效反映出后现代社会的复杂与荒诞。
Abstract: The Sound of Asthma is a short story written by Joseph Heller when he was a student, and this short story has had the features of postmodern works. The author analyzes the background of postmodernism in the short story, and then analyzes the values of Sir Peter, Ex-serviceman Max, Mrs. Max Sarah, the exhausted old man Alex and other men in the army. The author analyzes their values to reflect the values of different classes in the growing postmodern society. At last, the author analyzes the writing features of postmodernism in the short story including black humor, uncertainty, and to shape anti-hero and how do they reflect the complexity and absurdity of the postmodern society.
文章引用:王姝婷. 约瑟夫•海勒《哮喘声声中》的价值观[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(3): 73-80. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.53011


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