近15年动脉粥样硬化的中西医理论机制研究进展Research Progress of Theoretical Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine on Atherosclerosis in Recent 15 Years
中医学Vol.12 No.8, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/TCM.2023.128292, August 9 2023
不同提取方法对山药多糖提取率及抗氧化活性的影响Effects of Different Extraction Methods on the Yield and Antioxidant Activities of Rhizoma dioscoreae Polysaccharides
王园园, 马文佳, 樊俊甫, 李若涵, 薛俊文, 熊 莹, 朱亚美, 王雪瑜, 董陆陆, 赵占义 国家科技经费支持
食品与营养科学Vol.6 No.4, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/HJFNS.2017.64032, November 29 2017
银耳多糖的提取及抗氧化的探究Extraction and Antioxidation of Polysaccharide from Tremella fuciformis
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自然科学Vol.6 No.3, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/OJNS.2018.63033, May 31 2018
食用菌多糖的生物学活性及提取纯化研究进展Progress in the Study of the Biological Activities and Extraction and Purification of Edible Mushroom Polysaccharides
微生物前沿Vol.4 No.3, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/AMB.2015.43007, September 21 2015
基于TPACK理论的全日制硕士研究生教育技术能力结构研究——以江西农业大学为例Research on the Structure of Educational Technical Ability of Full-Time Master’s Degree Students Based on TPACK Theory—Taking Jiangxi Agricultural University as an Example
黄京慧, 黄双根, 吴 燕, 戴 晴 科研立项经费支持
创新教育研究Vol.11 No.9, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/CES.2023.119389, September 11 2023
响应曲面法优化撕裂蜡孔菌多糖的微波辅助提取工艺及抗氧化活性研究Study on Response Surface Methodology as an Approach for Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Antioxidant Activities of Polysaccharides from Ceriporia lacerate
姚 婷, 孙 雪, 许瑞程, 褚衍亮, 王 娜 科研立项经费支持
微生物前沿Vol.7 No.1, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/AMB.2018.71001, March 2 2018